Mega Pack of Browsers in June 2013 - a collection of the most popular browsers. And it means nothing like what anyone can see for yourself what are the main differences between the most popular browsers together. Pleasant to use!
The collection includes:
»Internet Explorer 10.0.9200.16521 end
»Google Chrome Stable 27.0.1453.116
»Mozilla Firefox 22.0 Final
»Opera 12.15 Build 1748 Final (x86/x64)
"Next Opera 15.0 Beta Build 1147,100
»Apple Safari for Windows 5.1.7
»SRWare Iron 27.0.1500.0
"Cloud Browser Maxthon Stable
»Avant Browser 2013 Build 108 Final (Lite / Ultimate)
Date: June 2013
Platform: Windows All
Size: 319.8 MB
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